Loan From God


I’m back!

Baby Garrek arrived mid-September & I’m finally at a point where I’m caught up on sleep enough to be productive while he naps! (Seriously…People always tell you to cherish your sleep before you have kids…I severely underestimated the truth of that statement! Phew!!)

Little did I know that becoming a Mom would change my life so much. I don’t mean in the physical sense, like the loss of precious hours of the sleep I used to enjoy, or the spit up that always seems to decorate every shirt I put on. It’s the huge responsibility of raising a kid in this crazy, sinful world we all live in. That’s a lot of pressure!
Will he grow up to know how much God loves him? Will he make his relationship with Jesus a personal choice? Will he resist the over-sexualized society around him? Be a shining light of God’s love to his friends? Praise God in the bad and good times?
As easy as it is to worry about his future, and what we can do to help him make the right decisions, it all comes down to one thing: God is in control.
As our pastor said at Garrek’s child dedication a few weeks ago, “Children are on loan from God.” It’s our responsibility to create the right environment in our homes to help our kids thrive and know God while we have them, but they really are God’s. And for that I’m thankful, I don’t have to do everything correctly, we will make mistakes, and learn the hard way sometimes. That’s alright because God’s got a great plan already laid out for Garrek, and I just have to remember to keep praying and follow God’s leading.

And with that, I’ve gotta run & change a dirty diaper!



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